What is BJC’s Faith FULL Community? A conversation with Danielle Tyler
Danielle Tyler shares why she is passionate about BJC’s monthly supporters and how they impact our work.
Danielle Tyler shares why she is passionate about BJC’s monthly supporters and how they impact our work.
BJC reviews Amy Coney Barrett’s church-state record and looks for clues as to her judicial philosophy during her confirmation hearings.
BJC General Counsel Holly Hollman looks at the Fulton v. Philadelphia case, which is a legal clash over religious objections to same-sex marriage and nondiscrimination policies that protect the LGBTQ community being fought in a particularly sensitive arena: the government’s foster care system.
BJC Executive Director Amanda Tyler asks, “What have we learned about our country, our religious communities and ourselves over the course of this tumultuous — and often heartbreaking — year?”
BJC Luncheon charts a new path forward with a conversation between Robert P. Jones and Adelle Banks on white supremacy and American Christianity.
While affirming the important distinction between public and private institutions, the seemingly simple holding in the Espinoza case masks a more significant shift in the law.