George W. Truett: A true Baptist icon for religious liberty, stewardship
A reflection on the wise words of Baptist icon George W. Truett on religious liberty and stewardship from almost 100 years ago.
A reflection on the wise words of Baptist icon George W. Truett on religious liberty and stewardship from almost 100 years ago.
This year, we saw a blizzard of news items that impact religious liberty and the separation of church and state. The list of 2017’s top stories includes areas of concern that came to the forefront this year, as well as news items affecting issues we watch every year.
High school juniors and seniors can win money for college in the 2018 Religious Liberty Essay Scholarship Contest!
The Baptist Joint Committee is now accepting applications for the 2018 BJC Fellows Program, which offers young professionals the opportunity to deepen their legal, historical and theological understanding of religious liberty.
Melissa Rogers delivered a powerful account of faith being transformed into action at a special Baptist Joint Committee Symposium on October 26 on the campus of McCormick Theological Seminary in Chicago,
A federal district court in Wisconsin has once again declared the clergy housing allowance an unconstitutional preference for religion, and the case is expected to continue.