BJC: Government foster care programs should serve all qualified parents

“By requiring that government-funded foster care agencies consider all qualified individuals, the city is ensuring that all communities – including religious communities – are treated with equality and dignity,” said BJC General Counsel Holly Hollman about the Fulton v. Philadelphia case.

Supreme Court’s Espinoza decision disregards distinctiveness of religion

“The decision’s high concern for equal treatment of religious schools disregards the distinctiveness of religion in our constitutional order and contradicts the special treatment that religion rightfully receives to keep government from influencing and interfering with it,” said Holly Hollman.

BJC: States should not have to fund religious schools

BJC’s friend-of-the-court brief in Espinoza v. Montana Department of Revenue explains that avoiding government funding of religion is a key protection for religious liberty. “This special treatment of religion stems from our country’s deep and abiding commitment to religious liberty for all,” said BJC General Counsel Holly Hollman.