Recent News & Columns

Here are recent columns and news items from the Baptist Joint Committee. Visit our blog and read our monthly magazine, Report from the Capital, to stay current on all religious liberty news. You can also read our press releases online.


For press inquiries, contact:
Cherilyn Crowe
Director of Communications
[email protected]
202-544-4226 x 305
Cell: 202-670-5877

Vaccination refusal disputes in Michigan and Kentucky

Vaccination refusal disputes in Michigan and Kentucky

Two different vaccine refusal disputes led to two different outcomes. Michigan’s Memorial Healthcare agreed to allow employees with religious objections to receiving the flu vaccine to wear a mask during flu season, while Kentucky Court of Appeals affirmed a trial court’s ruling in favor of the Northern Kentucky Health Department’s exclusion of an unvaccinated high school student from school and extracurricular events during a chicken pox.

Lead the Conversation

Lead the Conversation

Who is she? She is everyone because everyone has a part to play. Ensuring faith freedom for all will take all of us. Together, we are up for the challenge. We are excited to introduce you to BJC’s new look.