Recent News & Columns

Here are recent columns and news items from the Baptist Joint Committee. Visit our blog and read our monthly magazine, Report from the Capital, to stay current on all religious liberty news. You can also read our press releases online.


For press inquiries, contact:
Cherilyn Crowe
Director of Communications
[email protected]
202-544-4226 x 305
Cell: 202-670-5877

RFRA at 20: a retrospective

RFRA at 20: a retrospective

By K. Hollyn Hollman, BJC General Counsel
A Nov. 7 symposium, organized by the BJC and other groups, will use the occasion of the RFRA anniversary as an opportunity to reflect on the state of free exercise of religion in Americaby examining it in a number of contexts.

From the October 2013 Report from the Capital.

Public schools are not religion-free zones

Public schools are not religion-free zones

By J. Brent Walker, BJC Executive Director
The start of a new school year provides an opportunity to review the many ways religion can properly be exercised, studied and otherwise included on public school campuses in ways that naturally arise in our very religious — and religiously diverse — country, while keeping school officials out of the business of promoting a particular religion or even religion in general.

From the September 2013 Report from the Capital

U.S. Supreme Court to hear legislative prayer case

From BJC staff reports
The practice of opening government meetings with Christian prayer will be examined by the U.S. Supreme Court in its upcoming term. The case of Town of Greece v. Galloway will bring legislative prayer before the Court for the first time in 30 years.

From the June 2013 Report from the Capital

The framework of American religious liberty

By J. Brent Walker, BJC Executive Director
Endowed by Our Creator: The Birth of Religious Freedom in America by Michael I. Meyerson is a new and wonderful book that responsibly engages the contentious debate about how the framers understood religion and religious liberty in the formation of our national government.

From the June 2013 Report from the Capital