BJC scholarship contest expands with video category

BJC’s annual Religious Liberty Scholarship Contest returns this year in an expanded format, aiming to creatively engage high school students in church-state issues. Students can submit a video or an essay to enter.

Baptist leader, Rep. Maxwell Frost urge Christians to reject Christian nationalism

Amanda Tyler, executive director of BJC and lead organizer of the Christians Against Christian Nationalism campaign, testified at a congressional hearing on international religious freedom. “The best way we can make a difference is by not adding more fuel to the fire of religious extremism and nationalism. Instead, we should focus on being a role model to the world by ensuring the institutional separation of church and state, which protects all of us,” Tyler said during her testimony.

Baptist group marks leadership transition

BJC is proud to announce a historic transition of its board leadership. For the first time, the BJC Board of Directors elected a Latina person to serve as chair and a Jewish person to serve as vice chair.