The theme of the 2013 Walter B. and Kay W. Shurden Lectures on Religious Liberty and Separation of Church and State is “Religious Liberty and Church-State Separation: Oh, What a Touchy Subject!” The three presentations will be given by BJC Executive Director J. Brent Walker April 9-10 on the campus of Stetson University in DeLand, Fla. The lecture topics are listed below. Each presentation is free and open to the public.

April 9

5 p.m. First principles: God-given, but government protected

April 10

3 p.m. First Freedoms: Accommodate religion, but don’t advance it

5 p.m. Religion and politics: How did we do in 2012?


Stetson University’s DeLand campus is 35 miles from Orlando and 25 miles from Daytona Beach. For more information on the university, visit

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From the February 2013 Report from the Capital. Click here to go to the next article.