After Bible Distribution, Atheist Group Gets a Turn in Florida Schools

Written by Don Byrd
Fair is fair. After a Bible distribution group was allowed on high school campuses in Orange County Florida to make scripture available to high school students, officials realize they must provide the same opportunity to an atheist group. Freethinkers will make pamphlets available tomorrow entitled “What is Wrong with the Ten Commandments?” and “Ten Myths About Atheists.”

Miami-Dade Commission’s Prayer Policy Returns

Written by Don Byrd
The Miami-Dade Commission stopped opening their meetings with prayer years ago, opting for a moment of silence to allow all to reflect according to the dictates of their conscience. That’s about to change…

Broward County School Board to Oppose Florida’s Amendment 8

Written by Don Byrd
In Florida’s Broward County, the school board plans to vote today to officially oppose a ballot initiative that would fundamentally alter the safeguards protecting the state’s taxpayers from funding religious activity.

Public School Advocates Opposed Florida Amendment 8

Written by Don Byrd
In November, Florida voters will be voting on more than just the presidential, congressional Senate races. Among the ballot initiatives is Amendment 8, a measure I have been watching closely since its introduction.