Dr. John Compton will talk about the politics of secularization during the 20th annual Walter B. and Kay W. Shurden Lectures on Religious Liberty and Separation of Church and State, held on the campuses of Mercer University in Macon and Atlanta, Georgia, this November.
These experiences of on-the-ground advocacy have shown me just how empowering, effective, and yes, even fun, it is to be an active part of a democratic movement pushing back against a bold attempt to create a theocracy, starting in the public schools.
History has an important role to play in judicial analysis by justices across the ideological spectrum. Yet, a narrow telling of history inevitably leaves people out of the promises of our Constitution and undercuts the fight for freedom and justice, upon which our commitment to religious freedom is based.
Efforts to ban books see differences — such as religious differences — as a threat instead of understanding the benefits of lifting and listening to diverse voices and experiences.
With reports of voters being removed from rolls and efforts to create confusion in order to suppress the vote in some communities, it’s a good idea to ensure you’re prepared to vote.
After attending the BJC Fellows Seminar, the Rev. Dane Martin knew he couldn’t sit on the sidelines anymore. Hear about why he created a program to introduce college students to new ideas and prepare them to interact with the world in different ways.