Faithful involvement in elections

“You cannot divorce religion from politics or separate Christians from the duties of secular citizenship,” writes Holly Hollman.

Democracy in action

“On a beautiful March evening in the nation’s Capitol building, I experienced a hopeful moment of representative democracy,” writes Amanda Tyler about her experience attending the State of the Union address.

Report from the Capital – 2024 Archive

Archives Magazine Archives Magazine Archives BY YEAR 20242023202220212020201920182017201620152014201320122011201020092008200720062005 Report from the Capital is our flagship magazine to help you stay current on religious liberty news. Read the current issue Spring...

S5, Ep. 22: Spring break and religious holidays

There are many religious holidays in the spring, but not all are given the same public acknowledgment – from government-sponsored events to time off from school and work. Amanda Tyler and Holly Hollman discuss how Christian privilege shows up in how our country recognizes and accommodates certain holidays, as well as how holidays help us understand and celebrate the religious pluralism in our country.

Job opening: BJC Policy Counsel

BJC, a national faith-based organization that educates about and advocates for everyone’s faith freedom, seeks a Policy Counsel. This position would advance efforts to promote faith freedom for all, primarily in legislative and other policy arenas.

S5, Ep. 18: A chief justice or chief theologian for Alabama?

An alarming ruling from the Alabama Supreme Court is leading to the shutdown of in vitro fertilization clinics, and the concurrence’s use of Scripture and Christian theology is causing additional concerns. Amanda Tyler and Holly Hollman look at this troubling ruling, the various religious views on life, and why it’s an issue for a justice to cite the Bible in an opinion.

S5, Ep. 15: Black America’s changing religious landscape

Much is said and assumed about the religious landscape of Black America, but it’s more diverse than the common narratives. Holly Hollman speaks with Dr. Sabrina E. Dent and Dr. Anthony Pinn about misconceptions and how they brought together Black Church leaders and Black nontheists for key conversations. Tune in for this open and honest conversation about how we can work across racial and religious lines to help all communities thrive.