S5, Ep. 14: Faith in elections

What is the role of churches and other houses of worship in protecting democracy? This topic usually comes up because of bad actors that overstep into partisanship, but today’s show looks at how faith communities can help our elections run smoothly. Holly Hollman speaks with Chris Crawford of Protect Democracy – a nonprofit, cross-ideological organization that has a new playbook to help faith communities ensure “all eligible voters can access a ballot and every valid vote is counted.” Learn more about how people of faith can love their neighbors and take active roles in protecting our system of government.

S5, Ep. 13: ‘God Made Trump,’ Biden campaigns at a church, and more news from the campaign trail

Now that the first votes have been cast in the presidential primaries, Amanda Tyler and Holly Hollman look at some of the troubling statements and activities on the campaign trail concerning the role of religion and religious freedom – from both Democrats and Republicans. While candidates are – and should be – free to talk about the ways their faith inspires them, there are some red lines when it comes to politicking in houses of worship with tax-exempt resources or using political power as a way to impose religion on others.

BJC scholarship contest expands with video category

BJC’s annual Religious Liberty Scholarship Contest returns this year in an expanded format, aiming to creatively engage high school students in church-state issues. Students can submit a video or an essay to enter.

S5, Ep. 10: The church-state legacy of Justice Sandra Day O’Connor

Justice Sandra Day O’Connor showed a thoughtful approach toward religious liberty issues during her time on the bench, upholding both the Free Exercise Clause and the Establishment Clause. Paying tribute to her soon after her passing on December 1, Amanda Tyler and Holly Hollman remember Justice O’Connor’s contributions and talk about her legacy, sharing personal reflections as well as wisdom from Justice O’Connor that holds true today. They also look at her controversial endorsement test and how the Supreme Court has shifted – both the law and in terms of public opinion – after her retirement. Amanda and Holly also take a moment to share what we learned about you, our listeners, from this year’s Spotify Wrapped.

Extremists for justice

We live in an extreme moment — one that calls us to be extremists: extremists for justice, extremists for love.