S5, Ep. 01: Live Q&A with Holly and Amanda

Is the Supreme Court immune from public pressure? What is the role of the government when it comes to nondiscrimination laws, gender identity, and posting Scripture? As we begin season 5 of Respecting Religion, Amanda Tyler and Holly Hollman take live questions from an audience on these topics and more. Hear their updates from the summer as they share what we can expect from this new Supreme Court term, as well as how decisions are impacting our country at all levels.

Baptist group marks leadership transition

BJC is proud to announce a historic transition of its board leadership. For the first time, the BJC Board of Directors elected a Latina person to serve as chair and a Jewish person to serve as vice chair.

What We Do

BJC believes that a threat to anyone’s religious liberty is a threat to everyone’s religious liberty. From our coalition efforts with members of other religions to our work standing up for the right of all individuals to practice their faith freely (or practice no faith), BJC defends both our fellow Christians and individuals whose beliefs differ from our own.

It’s time to reimagine religious freedom

BJC and the BJC Center for Faith, Justice and Reconciliation are urgently needed to counter the white supremacy menacing religious liberty for all in the United States, said the Rev. Dr. Adam Bond, a scholar and Baptist minister.

2023 BJC Fellows

BJC welcomed ten young professionals as our 2023 class of BJC Fellows. Their experience began in Colonial Williamsburg, hearing from historical interpreters as well as BJC staff members and other experts about the historical, legal and theological underpinnings of religious liberty.