BJC applauds Biden administration school prayer guidance

“The government should never tell students how, when or whether to pray. The U.S. Department of Education’s new guidance does a good job protecting students of all faiths and students who don’t practice a faith. It’s clear that the Biden administration understands the vital role that public schools play in ensuring faith freedom for all students.”

Supporting faith freedom: BJC staff Q&A with Carlton Grace Baites

As the executive assistant, Carlton supports Amanda and other members of the executive team behind-the-scenes as they lead the organization. After growing up in Tennessee – in both Memphis and Murfreesboro – Carlton earned a degree from Middle Tennessee State University.

S4, Ep. 20: The Ten Commandments

Texas is taking matters into its own hands, going full-on cowboy as it leads the nation in abandoning long-held religious liberty protections. Amanda and Holly review a troubling bill in Texas that would mandate the posting of the Ten Commandments in public school classrooms, and they share how some are trying to use the Kennedy v. Bremerton decision – and removal of the Lemon test – to justify this effort. They also review some surprising moments during a Texas Senate hearing on the bill, including when Baptists discover they have different understandings of their own theology. In the final segment, Amanda and Holly review the religious freedom problem with legislation like this and share ideas for engaging in conversation that can help reframe the issue.

Finding the beauty and strength of our commitment to all

BJC’s FaithFULL Community of monthly donors is full of individuals who are passionate about religious liberty and want to support the work that we do. In this spotlight, Cassandra Lawrence shares more about her work and why she supports BJC.

Report from the Capital – 2023 Archive

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