Magazine Archives
Report from the Capital is our flagship magazine to help you stay current on religious liberty news.

Spring 2019
A decision that will live in infamy
New Congress brings changes, breaks barriers
Christians must defend the cross and government neutrality among faiths

Summer 2019
This issue focuses on the intersection of race and religious liberty, including the BJC Dinner discussion on embracing an approach to religious liberty that includes the voices of all. Amanda Tyler writes about tackling tough conversations, Rev. Dr. Aidsand Wright-Riggins discusses race, resistance, religion and rage at the 2019 Shurden Lectures, and Holly Hollman talks about the importance of civil discourse.
Tackling tough conversations together
Race, religion, resistance and rage
Sex, race and civil discourse

Fall 2019
In this magazine, BJC unveils its new look, and we profile how Christians across the country are standing up to Christian nationalism. Plus, the 2019 BJC Fellows share about their experiences in Colonial Williamsburg, BJC General Counsel Holly Hollman breaks down the Supreme Court decision in the Bladensburg cross case, and BJC Executive Director Amanda Tyler shares new ways to lead the conversation… and more.
Lessons from the Bladensburg cross case decision
Leading in new ways
2019 BJC Fellows

Winter 2019
In this issue, learn about our new advocacy trainings and hear how we are working to provide you the tools you need to make a difference. Plus, read about the impact of raising your voice from BJC Executive Director Amanda Tyler, explore the role of legal advocacy in BJC General Counsel Holly Hollman’s column, hear from Eboo Patel about what it means to explore a civic pluralism, learn about BJC’s brief in an upcoming Supreme Court case, and more.
Finding your role as a BJC advocate
Fighting for religious freedom on all fronts
SCOTUS to hear case on taxpayer funding of religion
Starting my advocacy journey
BJC brings you tools to make a difference