Fighting the idolatry of Christian nationalism

Our love of neighbor includes a commitment to protect their rights of citizenship and belonging as equal to ours, regardless of what religion we practice or whether we are religious at all.

S3, Ep. 19: Gun culture and Christian nationalism in America

The United States has a distinctive and increasingly destructive gun culture. In this episode, Amanda and Holly look at how embracing Christian nationalism correlates to opinions on gun control and why conversations about gun reform become more difficult when “God-given rights” are invoked and government-sponsored prayer is advanced as a policy solution after violence. Dive into this nuanced, complicated and emotional issue as our country reels from recent mass shootings and searches for policy solutions.

S3, Ep. 18: Christian nationalism and election season 2022

It’s an election year, and we’re already seeing high-profile primaries and debates over the role religion plays in elections. In this episode, Amanda and Holly discuss constructive engagement for religious organizations in elections and voting, discussing terms that often get confused – such as “political” and “partisan” – and the important role of religion and religious people when it comes to advocating for policies. They explain the tax benefit that houses of worship and other charitable organizations receive and what that means when it comes to partisan campaigns. Getting involved in elections is one way you can fight back against Christian nationalism, and this episode talks about the legal rules and the rules of thumb when it comes to making your voice heard in the public square.

Christian nationalism and January 6

New comprehensive report from BJC and the Freedom From Religion Foundation illuminates the role of Christian nationalism in the insurrection at the U.S. Capitol

Working together to dismantle Christian nationalism

BJC’s Amanda Tyler says that dismantling Christian nationalism will take a broad and diverse coalition of people — different in perspective yet united in support for everyone’s religious freedom.