Magazine Archives
Report from the Capital is our flagship magazine to help you stay current on religious liberty news.
Spring 2020
This issue showcases some of the next generation of religious liberty advocates, including Eboo Patel’s call for a new kind of interfaith leadership during the 2020 Shurden Lectures. You will also read about BJC interns and BJC Fellows in action. Plus, BJC Executive Director Amanda Tyler discusses faith freedom and the coronavirus, BJC General Counsel Holly Hollman looks at some troubling proposed regulations from the government for faith-based service providers, and more.
Digital Flip-Through Edition
Featured in this edition:
Are you ready to be an interfaith leader? Recap of presentations given by Eboo Patel
A pivotal time by Amanda Tyler
Providing notice of rights protects religious freedom by Holly Hollman

Summer 2020
As we continue a national conversation about racial justice, this edition focuses on the moral imperative to act as we work to dismantle white supremacy from our society. BJC Executive Director Amanda Tyler discusses our work to do, Robert P. Jones and Adelle Banks have a national conversation on white supremacy and American Christianity, and the BJC community discusses the importance of Juneteenth. Plus, get updates on Supreme Court decisions in a blockbuster term, including BJC General Counsel Holly Hollman’s analysis of the Espinoza decision.
Digital Flip-Through Edition
Featured in this edition:
Our work to do by Amanda Tyler
SCOTUS decision masks significant shift in the law by Holly Hollman
Recap of BJC Luncheon: Reckoning with white supremacy in American Christianity
Juneteenth and the promise of religious freedom by Kathryn Freeman
Fall/Winter 2020
Shifts on the Supreme Court lead this edition of Report from the Capital. We examine Justice Amy Coney Barrett’s church-state record, remember the legacy of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg and her support of a key religious freedom law, and look at the high-profile religious liberty cases being heard by the Court this term. Plus, Amanda Tyler shared what we learned in a tumultuous 2020, Holly Hollman goes in-depth on the Fulton v. Philadelphia case, Melissa Rogers writes on the 20th anniversary of the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act, a military chaplain shares how he cares for those who practice other faiths, and more.
Digital Flip-Through Edition
Featured in this edition:
What have we learned in 2020? By Amanda Tyler
Fulton v. Philadelphia: Court should uphold nondiscrimination in government contracts by Holly Hollman
BJC reviews the church-state record of Amy Coney Barrett
Holly Hollman and Amanda Tyler review the church-state legacy of Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Melissa Rogers and BJC’s Amanda Tyler look at the 20th anniversary of RLUIPA
BJC’s Danielle Tyler talks about BJC’s support system of monthly donors
Military chaplains: On the front lines of faith