S4, Ep. 25: Religion in public schools: New federal guidance and the reality on the ground

It happens in pretty much every administration, but what do you know about federal guidelines on religion in public schools? Holly and Amanda discuss the new release from the Biden administration outlining the different rights of students and teachers, and they share how some are misinterpreting the Kennedy v. Bremerton decision to open the door to more government-sponsored religious exercises. They also look at what we saw happen at the end of the Texas Legislature’s session in relation to bills that would impact religious freedom, and they review this week’s alarming news that an Oklahoma board voted to fund a religious public charter school.

Meet the Rev. Dr. Adam L. Bond

The keynote speaker for the 2023 BJC Luncheon is the Rev. Dr. Adam Bond, the former pastor the historic Ebenezer Baptist Church of Jackson Ward in Richmond, Virginia, who will begin serving as Associate Professor of Religion at Baylor University in August. An advocate for students, congregations, and community groups that strive for justice, Dr. Bond is also a historian of American Christianity.