Report from the Capital – 2019 Archive

Archives Magazine Archives Magazine Archives BY YEAR 20242023202220212020201920182017201620152014201320122011201020092008200720062005 Report from the Capital is our flagship magazine to help you stay current on religious liberty news. Read the current issue Spring...

Ep. 02: Supreme Court case on gov’t funding of religion: Espinoza v. Montana Department of Revenue

Why is religion treated differently by our Constitution? In a blockbuster year at the Supreme Court, BJC Executive Director Amanda Tyler and General Counsel Holly Hollman examine one case that could have major implications for religious liberty law. They dig deeper into Espinoza v. Montana Department of Revenue (starting at 1:50), talk about what people mean when they say “Blaine amendments,” explain the footnote of a previous decision that came up during oral arguments (18:20), and share their predictions for the decision. They also point out the links between this case and other events, including a troubling proposal released by President Trump during his State of the Union address (29:31). In the final segment, Amanda and Holly review how Supreme Court news continues to dominate religious liberty conversations and note how religion is being treated in news about the coronavirus (39:57). See the show notes for more details.

Ep. 01: Respecting Religion and the National Prayer Breakfast

Why do we need to talk about religion and the law? In the inaugural episode of the “Respecting Religion” podcast series, BJC Executive Director Amanda Tyler and General Counsel Holly Hollman recount things that have happened in the first few weeks of 2020 (starting at 4:50) and discuss the importance of understanding what’s at stake. They also share their reactions to this year’s unusually political National Prayer Breakfast (28:44), including the lessons it has for all of us. Plus, Amanda and Holly talk about their favorite rejected names for this new podcast series (16:30).

Respecting Religion: A BJC Podcast series

Join BJC Executive Director Amanda Tyler and General Counsel Holly Hollman each week for “Respecting Religion,” a podcast series featuring a weekly conversation on religion and the law and how religion shows up in our world, impacting the public’s perception of faith freedom for all.

Podcast Series Preview: Respecting Religion

It seems like we’re constantly seeing new headlines about religious liberty or an important legal development about the relationship between faith and government. Keep track of it all with our new podcast series: Respecting Religion. Each week, BJC Executive Director Amanda Tyler and General Counsel Holly Hollman will sit down for a conversation on recent developments regarding religion and the law. Respecting Religion begins on February 20, and new episodes will be released each Thursday.

We respect our country’s commitment to religious freedom for everyone. From Supreme Court cases, to new policies from the administration, to what role Congress is playing in all of it, Holly and Amanda will review how religion is being respected today and how we can work to protect faith freedom for all.

Lead the Conversation. A Role for Everyone.

You are the reason BJC has been able to make such great strides this year. First of all, thank you. You’ve joined impactful campaigns, such as Christians Against Christian Nationalism, and listened to and shared our 10-part podcast series of thoughtful conversations...

BJC Advocacy Training and Issue Briefing – Fort Worth, Texas

BJC Executive Director Amanda Tyler and Associate Director of Mobilization Christine Browder will be at the Broadway Baptist Church in Forth Worth, Texas, to provide briefings on major issues related to religious liberty and offer guidance on how to raise your voice effectively.