Becoming an actively engaged citizen

Taylor Bell reflects on his time as a 2019 BJC Fellow, and how in his time in Colonial Williamsburg he gained fuller understanding of religious liberty.

Lead the Conversation

Who is she? She is everyone because everyone has a part to play. Ensuring faith freedom for all will take all of us. Together, we are up for the challenge. We are excited to introduce you to BJC’s new look.

Report from the Capital Archives

Archives Magazine Archives Magazine Archives BY YEAR 20242023202220212020201920182017201620152014201320122011201020092008200720062005 Report from the Capital is our flagship magazine to help you stay current on religious liberty news. Read the current issue Spring...

Shurden Lectures

Watch, listen, and learn more about the Shurden Lectures in our archive of featured lectures.

Podcast Archives

Media Center All Podcasts All Podcasts BJC’s podcasts feature some of our most popular lectures, in-depth discussions of current events and analysis of church-state issues. BJC has two podcast feeds: Respecting Religion, our award-winning podcast series about religion...

Resources and Handouts

Learn more about BJC and download PDF’s of vital information that will help you be an informed advocate for religious freedom and separation of church and state.

Thought Leadership

MEDIA CENTER Thought Leadership CATEGORIES Report from the Capital BJC’s Medium channel Podcasts Videos Court Cases Legislative Advocacy FEATURED What these states get wrong about the Bible and the Ten Commandments BJC’s Amanda Tyler looks at troubling...

Make a Difference

Our Work BJC Make a Difference With CongressIn the CourtsLearn with UsMake a DifferenceBJC Center for Faith, Justice and Reconciliation Come join us! We need your help in guarding the constitutional protection of religious liberty for all people. BJC works with...

Race, religious liberty and reconciliation

Rev. Dr. Aidsand Wright-Riggins sits down with BJC’s Amanda Tyler for a conversation about race, religious liberty, and reconciliation, including his experiences seeking racial justice.